Monday, February 25, 2008

My trip to Tahoe was a lot of fun. I had one goal-- to make a snowman and I accomplished it! The 5ft snowman took me two days to make and it turned out a lot better than I thought it would be. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the snowman, or me, as of right now.. until my family sends them to me.

We headed out at 11:30am yesterday morning, to go home. It was a horrible driving experience. The snow was falling so hard, it was like a total white out. The weather was really dangerous to be driving in, so everyone was driving about 10-20 miles per hour. I was super scared, thank goodness we made it home safe and sound.

The drive to Tahoe took 5 hours and the drive home took 6 hours. Despite the fact that there was a huge snow storm, I had an amazing time.

My view from the window on the first morning. It's so beautiful. I love snow. It looks so soft and pretty, especially snow that no one has touched! :)

What it looked like from the backseat during the drive home on Sunday morning. It was terrible, I tell you!

Snow storm-- white out.

I was bored so I attempted to take "professional looking" photos at the gas station.

Anyway, last week I went out and got the Smashbox Lid and Lip Primer because I wanted to try out a different primer to see if there are any that are better than the Urban Decay Primer Potion.

After a few days of using it, I was very disappointed with this product. The lid primer felt very heavy. When I put the eyeshadow over it, it was not smooth whatsoever. The lip primer was very thick and it made my lips really DRY. My lips even started to peel because of this product.

Do not waste $24 on this Smashbox lid and lip primer and stick with the $16 UDPP, ladies!

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